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Future of Food Panel Discussion Event


The InvertiGro team are thrilled to have seen so much interest in "feeding the world the smarter way" at our Indoor Vertical Farming panel discussion event hosted at Cultivate in Sydney last week.

Attended by industry and investors, government and media, the discussions centred on what the 'Future of Food Revolution' looks like and what it means for Australian AgTech investors, food production businesses and consumers. It also provided an opportunity for these audiences to see the InvertiCube Indoor Vertical Farm in action at the award-winning Cultivate pop-up urban farm.

We are super-grateful to our panelists - Serena Lee, Cultivate; Sarah Nolet, AgThentic, Geert Hendrix, Farmwall and our own COO, Paul Millett, InvertiGro; to our supporter (and photographer) Xavier Rizos, Westpac .. and to all those who attended the event.

We look forward to seeing you at the next Indoor Vertical Farming event Contact us: [email protected] to find out more.


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